Changes to SA’s marine parks

The South Australian Government is committed to protecting our state’s marine environments while also supporting the communities that depend on this resource.

In 2018 the government commenced a review of marine park sanctuary zones as part of an election commitment. The review has included an independent report (and supplementary report), an extensive stakeholder consultation process in 2020 and 2021, and a range of proposed marine park zoning changes.

Some of the proposed changes were adopted in 2020, including changes to allow shore based recreational fishing at the Coorong Beach South sanctuary zone, a new sanctuary zone at Port Stanvac and protection of the Metropolitan Shellfish Reef at Glenelg. Other changes proposed in 2020 required further consideration to get the balance right.

Following extensive discussions with a number of peak bodies and a process of public consultation, the review process is nearing completion with the authorisation by the Governor of a ‘2022 package of amendments’.

The 2022 package includes the following management plan amendments:

The package incorporates some elements of the 2020 proposed amendments together with new elements proposed, and consulted on, in 2021.

Some of the changes include:

  • An increase in the area protected by sanctuary zones and retention of the highly significant Clinton Wetlands Sanctuary zone;
  • Relaxation of restrictions at some locations, with improved efficiency and flexibility, for commercial and recreational fishing.

The 2022 package of amendments was authorised by Her Excellency the Governor on 17 February 2022 as the day the management plan amendments come into operation.

Copies of the authorised management plan amendments must be laid before both Houses of Parliament by the Minister within 6 sitting days of authorisation, pursuant to Section 14(9) of the Marine Parks Act 2007.

A summary of the current amendment process and associated changes is outlined in the table below.

The most up to date marine park zoning maps are currently available at Nature Maps.

For more information, please email us at

Summary of marine park amendment process

Marine Park

Sanctuary Zone affected

Proposed 2021 amendment

2020 amendments to be incorporated in 2022 amendment

2022 amendments

Nuyts Archipelago Marine park

Nuyts Reef Sanctuary Zone


The 2020 amendment to increase the size of Nuyts Reef Sanctuary Zone is maintained.

Increase the size of Nuyts Reef Sanctuary Zone (as proposed in 2020 amendments).

St Francis Island Sanctuary Zone

Reinstate the original boundaries of the Isles of St Francis Sanctuary Zone with a Special Purpose Area to allow for commercial abalone fishing in the north east region.

NoneCreate a Special Purpose Area to allow for commercial abalone fishing in the north east region of the sanctuary zone. Boundaries of the Sanctuary zone remain as they were in original 2012 management plan.

Neptune Islands Group (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Marine Park

North Neptune Island Sanctuary Zone

Revise the North Neptune Islands Sanctuary Zone with a north east extension to the outer boundaries of the marine park.


Revise the North Neptune Islands Sanctuary Zone with a north east extension to the outer boundaries of the marine park.

Upper Gulf St. Vincent

Clinton Wetlands Sanctuary Zone

Reinstate the original sanctuary zone boundaries and zoning for the Clinton Wetlands Sanctuary Zone and allow for shore based recreational fishing at one site.


Allow for an additional shore-based recreational fishing at a second site in Clinton Wetlands Sanctuary Zone.

Windara Reef Sanctuary Zone


The 2020 amendment to create Windara Reef Sanctuary zone is maintained.Create Windara Reef Sanctuary zone and allow for recreational  fishing in that zone (as proposed in 2020 amendments).

Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park

Cape du Couedic Sanctuary Zone


The 2020 amendment to decrease the size of Cape du Couedic Sanctuary Zone is maintained.

Decrease the size of Cape du Couedic Sanctuary Zone (as proposed in 2020 amendments).

Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park

D’Estrees Bay Sanctuary Zone

Create a new sanctuary zone at D’Estrees Bay with a Special Purpose Area that allows for shore based recreational line fishing.


Not adopted following public consultation.