Far West Coast

The Far West Coast has been integral to the worldwide recovery of the southern right whale, a species that was nearly wiped out by the whaling industry. These beautiful animals have found a safe haven in the area, returning every year to breed, give birth and raise their young. Around Nuyts Archipelago the waters are unusually warm for South Australia, supporting tropical marine life such as the basket star and the tiny sea star 'Little Patty', which gives birth to live young and is found nowhere else in the world.

With spectacular rocky cliffs rising from pounding surf, the Far West Coast is one of the iconic images of our coastline, showing South Australia at its rugged, windswept best. Whale watching is a major tourism drawcard for the area, as are the colonies of fur seals and sea lions throughout Nuyts Archipelago.

Fishing has always been popular on the Far West Coast and will continue to be popular for years to come, with fishers still able to catch abalone, rock lobster, scale fish and even shark outside the sanctuary zones. Diving is allowed throughout the park and the area is a diver’s dream, with reef fish, corals and invertebrates abundant in the sea around the untouched wilderness of Nuyts Archipelago.

View the 2012 Far West Coast regional brochure

Significant species

Australian sea lions
Australian sea lions usually breed on islands, but have a rare mainland breeding colony along the base of the Bunda Cliffs. These intelligent mammals are swift hunters in water; on land they love to sun themselves on rocks.

White-bellied sea eagles
Sea eagles are large birds of prey that nest and feed along the coast. Beautiful grey-and-white birds that mate for life, they can be seen swooping down to snatch fish from the surface of the sea.

Several species of nudibranch, invertebrates also known as sea slugs, are found around Nuyts Archipelago. Their bright colours and languid movements make them a favourite with divers.

Parks in the Far West Coast region: