Neptune Islands Group (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Marine Park

Experience a close encounter with the majestic great white shark within the waters of the Neptune Islands Group (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Marine Park.

Named after Australian filmmakers, marine conservation pioneers and renowned shark experts Ron and Valerie Taylor, the park is an internationally-significant site for great white sharks. It is also the only place in Australia where you can get up close to this protected species in their own environment in a unique cage diving experience.

Centred on a remote, offshore island group rising steeply from deep water and exposed to strong wind and waves, the park includes sheltered seagrass, a sandy seafloor and deep-water habitats, with a range of marine life, from reef fish to various species of shark.

The park is also home to breeding and feeding sites for many local and migratory birds, Australian seas lions and long-nosed fur seals.

Access to Neptune Islands Group (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Marine Park is from Port Lincoln.

More information:

Watch the video of the amazing animals that call this park their home.

Immerse Yourself - Netune Islands

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