Lower South East

Come and explore the freshwater spring lakes that emerge from the beach and provide a unique habitat for several species within the Lower South East Marine Park.

The park is home to an exceptionally high range of plants and animals thanks to the influence of the Bonney Upwelling, an ocean current that supplies nutrient-rich water to the area.

You can take a closer look at the park’s reef systems and giant kelp forests by diving into the nearby waters of Ewen and Piccaninnie Ponds - both of which are significant wetlands.

The park also acts as an import feeding and resting ground for migratory and resident shorebirds. You can also keep an eye out for the endangered pygmy blue whale, which visits the area to feed.

When you have finished exploring the waters, try your luck fishing off the shores or get on board with one of the fishing charters that are offered within the park

Access to the Lower South East Marine Park is from Southend and Stony Point, Canunda National Park and Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park.

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