There she blows!

During the cooler months, South Australia’s marine parks are some of Australia's best spots for whale watchers.

The Encounter Marine Park at Victor Harbor provides frequent opportunities for spotting southern right whales between June and October. For more information, visit the SA Whale Centre website.

In the Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP), the Nullarbor cliffs command spectacular views of southern right whales gathering during winter.

THE GABMP was established in 1996 to protect vulnerable and endangered marine life including the Australian sea lion and southern right whale.

The southern right has a special place in the GABMP, using it as one of their annual breeding grounds.

The Head of the Bight is one of the most important whale calving sites in Australia, and each year between 25 and 67 calves are born at or near this site.

To protect southern rights during this special time, all boats, including commercial fishing vessels, are prohibited from entering these zones from May 1 until October 31.

Other whale watching hotspots throughout the state include the waters off the southern Fleurieu, Kangaroo Island, Eyre Peninsula and South East.

View a map of the types of whales and where they are frequently seen.